Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Meet the 2010 IWP Teacher Consultants

Meet the new 2010 Indiana Writing Project Teacher Consultants. Learn about each Summer Institute fellow by reading their reflections on the SI experience, and checking out their project boards.

Leigh Bivens
"The fellowship and learning with other professionals at ISI has caused me to question my own philosophy of teaching writing and in turn will impact my classroom as I implement the best practices found in Writer's Workshop."

Lindsey Cary
"The Invitational Summer Institute was a life-changing experience. Instead of being someone who writes, I became a writer! I can't wait to implement Writing Workshop in my classes. My students will start to see themselves as writers, too!"

Rena Dossett
"It has been a very meaningful learning adventure in the Invitational Summer Institute of the Indiana Writing Project. I hope to be able to incorporate the Writer's Workshop philosophy and practice in all my future professional endeavors."

Jaime Ellis
"Writing workshop was just what I needed. I am excited to go back to the classroom because it has transformed me as a teacher, not just of writing, but of all the subjects. The kids are gonna' love it!"

Steph Hedge
"It was a much needed reminder that, for all the wisdom I want to impart to my students, it doesn't mean a thing if they're not writing. My students need to just write. And I can't wait to give them the opportunity."

Amanda Hosier
"The ISI has allowed me to spend quality time discovering how I want to teach writing in my classroom. I am positive, through the research and practice I've done in this class, that Writing Workshop will allow my students to become successful writers."

Melody Ivey
"This summer with ISI, I have grown as a writer and as a teacher of writing. I think I got the best possible progression in going through Open Institute last summer and ISI this summer. I now have a rock-solid base that will spring me into becoming the ultimate teacher of writers!"

Mary King
"This summer, I was immersed in the theory and practice of Writing Workshop and now am more convinced than ever that it is the best way to teach writing in our schools."

Andrew Mishler
"ISI is the best Professional Development I have ever experienced. It has changed my philosophy of education and will significantly improve my curriculum. I have enjoyed working with all the members of the institute, and have gained some wonderful friends. We are the cool group!"

Karen Neubauer
"Being immersed in the ISI, I see that the workshop format is not just for writers (or those who think of themselves as writers, but for writing. It's only by doing the work of writing in a community that supports it that we become better writers. I'm ready to trust the process and build community with my students."

Anne Reagan
"ISI has been exciting, engaging, and entertaining. It has challenged me to look differently at myself as a teacher and as a student and pledge for change. I am inspired by the Fellows who have surrounded me this past month. I am grateful and blessed to be a part of it and to share in our growth."

Jeri Tarvin
"Thank you ISI. Thank you for the shot in the arm I needed to brush off the cobwebs of my brain and challenge my teacher heart. Thank you for the camaraderie and fellowship I have experienced with the most intellectually stimulating group I have ever met. Thank you, ISI."

Bill Valley
"The Invitational Summer Institute has created a new paradigm shift within me. It culminates by empowering student learning through Writing Workshop. I am equipped with best practices and dear friends to help - I am Write Man."

Mandie Walker
"The Invitational Summer Institute has reminded me that I am a writer and of the love I have for writing. I am so excited to share my new knowledge and embark on an amazing writing journey with my students!"

Summer Institute Facilitators:
Tammy Taylor, Linda Valley, and Jane Snider

The Power of Writing: A Reflection of ISI

In ISI on Writing Workshop
by Bill Valley, TC 2010

Busy, incredibly busy
Learn, experience
Drink in every innuendo
Every phrase, new concept, and thought
Relishing the voice of sparks flying
Of what was said? I didn’t quite get that?
Wondering how this applies to my classroom
On new ideas in a crescendo of complete harmony
“I got it! I got it!” embarking on a new idea…

We new Fellows come with excess baggage
Loaded with thoughts
Pregnant with our fixed ideas
Wanting to share our best practices
Boast of our kids’ writings
Embolden to articulate our students’ works
Questioning the new ideas, concepts, trains of thought
That don’t quite sound right to our ears.
“What was that? What was that?” smashing preconceived ideas…

I stand alone in our group questioning my very being
Embarrassed to shame
Enlightened to hope
Stinging reality I am trapped in Standardized Testing
In the same old tired strategies
Driven by governmental mandates
Realizing I own the fact my teaching (methodology) misses the mark
Students don’t own their learning; or even care.
“It’s a failure! It’s a failure!” wondering why I even teach…

Suddenly, through time our thoughts begin to gel
Awed in inept wonder
Inspired in our very hearts
Writing we rise from the ashes a member of IWP
On the shoulders of the greats we read
Rejoicing in the words of the writing process
From Atwells, Fletchers, Katie Wood Rays
Co-Facilitators who foster Voice and Content and Craft
“We are writers! We are writers!” teaching with power –
Professional members of NWP!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Reading for You and Your Students

Based on the events of September 11, 2001, Love is the Higher Law, David Levithan’s newest novel, is the undeniable literary grandchild of John Hersey’s nonfiction masterpiece Hiroshima. Dually founded on the brutal, chaotic physical and emotional aftermath of history-altering days, Love is the Higher Law and Hiroshima are captivating accounts of the frank and bittersweet details of each respective anthropological catastrophe. As well, both texts employ character-specific chapters to recount that individual’s thoughts and well-being; this collage of characters’ perceptions and conditions works to communicate to readers the commotion and turmoil of the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months following these turning-point days of personal and world history.

Chronicling the “before,” “during,” and “after” of 9/11 in the lives and relationships of three New York City teenagers, Love is the Higher Law is told through the male and female protagonists’ raw, poignant voices in independent, episodic narratives. While you may first notice the dramatic, panoramic photograph of the Tribute in Light radiating from the cover of Love is the Higher Law, the contents of David Levithan’s 2009 work of fiction also delivers. Levithan’s incorporation of conversations and e-mails between characters, intimate places and realities known only to New Yorkers in the attack’s immediate aftermath, the new-found meaning of song lyrics, and the uncertainty of “getting back to life as usual” combine to satisfy, and illustrate, the promise of the book’s abstract, beatitude title.

Reviewed by Alena Bogucki, TC 2007

Thursday, July 1, 2010

This Week at the Indiana Writing Project

This last week of June and first week of July finds the Indiana Writing Project's summer activities in full-swing.

Left - Comp Camp teacher Christie Dalton (TC 2008) listens as two students participate in Share Time. This summer, the elementary Comp Camp is being taught by Christie Dalton, and Maria Holden (TC 2001); the middle and high school Comp Camp teachers are Jenny Smithson (TC 2003) and Betsy Duckworth (TC 2008). On Friday, July 2, students' friends and families will enjoy the Celebration featuring read-alouds of students' published writing.

For more information about Comp Camp and to see students' writing published in an online anthology visit the IWP website.

Below - Fellows in this year's IWP Summer Institute are visited by teacher consultants and Open Institute participants during the Brown Bag Lunch on Wednesday, June 30.