Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Meet the 2011 IWP Teacher Consultants

Here are the new 2011 Indiana Writing Project Teacher Consultants! Check out their display boards and look for them at upcoming IWP events.

Matt Balk

Mark Bartmas

Jay Bendes

Amanda Croy

Stacey Chester

Janet Ellis

Tess Evans

Tracey Hoyer

Meg McCreery

Hollie Nicholson

Drew Richardson

Kristen Slone

Monday, July 18, 2011

Inservice Academy, July 19-20

Come join us to learn how to plan a great IWP workshop. We will actually plan a workshop you want to present, collaborate in order to rethink and revise that workshop to make an even better presentation, then practice our plans with each other---all in classical Writing Project style (i.e., plenty of food, laughs, and chocolate).

We will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 19 and 20, in Room 292 at the Bell Building, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

If you are interested in participating please contact Linda Walker.

Learn more at the IWP website.